Technical Access to issue hierarchy

Technical Access to issue hierarchy

The issue hierarchy is established by a custom issue property hierarchy with the JSON schema { "parentIssueId": string }. This property can be read like any other issue property via REST API and also be used in JQL queries. But it is important to note, that the property only includes the issue ID which is usually invisible to users. Agile Hive makes this ID visible to users in the issue view.

Get the issue ID

Because of technical limitations it is currently not possible to provide a more user friendly offer in the JQL search. Thus Agile Hive makes a normally invisible issue ID visible in the issue. For this you can open our panel and see the issue ID for to copy-paste for custom queries.


Collapsed Agile Hive issue context in the right sidebar of an issue view


Expanded Agile Hive issue context with the issue ID and a quick link to Jira's issue search

List issues with hierarchy property

Any issue property is extendable in all REST APIs that support it:

This example gets an issue with the property as response:

curl --request GET \ --url 'https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/TEST-21?properties=hierarchy' \ --user 'email@example.com:<api_token>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json'

The response has the requested issue with fields and the property, if it was set for this issue:

{ "id": "10057", "key": "TEST-21", fields: { }, "properties": { "hierarchy": { "parentIssueId": "10160" } } }

Search children by JQL search

In Jira issue search

The issue property is usable in JQL searches with autocompletion by starting to type agileHive and getting a number of shortcuts to properties from the Agile Hive app.

JQL field suggestions from the Agile Hive app

Those are only shortcuts that get expanded to the proper JQL after clicking on it with the mouse or selecting by arrow keys and confirming with return key on the keyboard. The field can be used like any other field with all operands = , != , IS , IS NOT , IN , NOT IN.

Expanded JQL by parent issue ID


These shortcuts and properties are also possible to use in REST APIs that support JQL parameters: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/rest/v3/api-group-issue-search/#api-group-issue-search .

This example lists all child issues of a parent issue:

curl --request POST \ --url 'https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/search/jql' \ --user 'email@example.com:<api_token>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "jql": "\"issue.property[hierarchy].parentIssueId\" = 10022", "properties": [ "hierarchy" ] }'

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