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titleOn this page (Table of contents)
Table of Contents


January 13,




New Features

  • New ‘Team Iteration Overview’ Report Widget: Reports for projects at the Team level now feature a new widget that provides an overview of all planned issues for each of the Iterations of the selected PI. The ‘Team Iteration Overview' widget showcases issue count, estimated capacity, planned load, and burned Story Points per Iteration. This feature simplifies the process of monitoring progress on individual team issues and promptly identifying any obstacles that arise.


  • ART Planning Board not displaying PI Iterations: Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented the ART Planning Board from displaying iterations of a PI when the ART was part of a Large Solution Train.

April 05, 2024


  • Issue with correctly assigning Agile Hive Administrator groups after app installation: Fixed a bug that caused random user groups to be displayed as holding the Agile Hive Administrator permission after installing the app from Atlassian Marketplace. This issue was purely visual and has been resolved.

  • Primary Scrum board detection not working as intended: Fixed a bug related to the automatic detection of a Jira project’s primary Scrum board for use with Agile Hive for Team-level projects. This bug caused iterations of PIs to not be accurately mapped to their corresponding Jira Sprints in the primary board, rendering Team Planning Boards unusable.

  • Report widget ‘Business Value Delivered’ stopped working for Team level projects: Fixed a bug that caused the Report widget 'Business Value Delivered' to stop displaying data for Team-level projects.

March 27, 2024

New Features

  • ‘Expand / Collapse All’ toggle in Team Planning Boards: Team Boards now feature a new toggle switch that enables expanding / collapsing of all currently visible Feature swimlanes on the board. This option is especially useful when you need to concentrate on specific Features and eliminate any surrounding distractions.


  • Some Report widgets stuck in loading state when refreshing: Fixed a bug that caused certain widgets in Reports to become stuck in a loading state when refreshing data.

  • Modal does not reset on Cancel when creating new PIs: Fixed a bug that caused the modal dialogue to retain old data for date input fields when the user canceled the process of creating a new PI and started over.

March 22, 2024


New Features

  • New ‘ART PI Objectives’ Report Widget: Reports for projects at the ART level now feature a new widget that provides an overview of all ART Objectives for the selected PI, along with a comprehensive view of the Business Value Delivered by all Teams operating within the ART. Moreover, the widget computes the ART Business Value Delivered based on the average across all Teams. For more detailed information on PI Objectives of a specific Team, simply click on the Team panel to navigate directly to the Team’s individual Reports.

  • ‘Update Data’ button for Reports, Team Planning, and Roadmap Boards: As the majority of Agile Hive’s views showcase real-time data, it's possible for changes to occur (especially in the context of PI Planning) while you're viewing a particular page. To keep you informed about the currency of the data you're working with and to promptly refresh the view with the most recent information, we have included an ‘Update Data' button in the top right corner next to the 'Help' menu. This button not only indicates how long it has been since you last updated the data but also allows you to do so with a single click. One significant advantage of updating only the data instead of reloading the entire page is its lightning-fast performance - try it for yourself!


  • ‘ART PI Overview’ widget now displays all ART issues worked on in selected PI: Fixed a bug that caused the ART PI Overview widget to only display ART level issues planned using the ART Roadmap Board. It failed to include ART issues not in the Roadmap Plan but being worked on in the selected PI based on Stories planned at the Team level, which is contrary to its intended functionality. The widget now includes all ART issues being worked on in the selected PI.

March 14, 2024


New Features

  • New ‘ART PI Overview’ Report Widget: Reports for projects at the ART level now contain a new widget offering comprehensive insights into all planned ART issues for the selected PI. The ‘ART PI Overview' widget showcases details on WSJF, Assignee, and Progress, along with aggregated Story Points from issues across all teams operating within the ART, across all workflow categories. Furthermore, you can delve further into tracking each team's progress in delivering their portion for every ART Feature. If a Team is behind the plan, you can investigate further by clicking on the Team's icon to directly access the relevant report.


  • Improved visualization for ‘Assigned PIs’ field in Jira Issue Create dialogue: When creating a new Objective or Risk issue, you now have a more convenient way to directly input Assigned PIs information. The input field for Agile Hive's 'Assigned PIs' Custom Field has been redesigned, offering an enhanced interface and user experience.

March 5, 2024


  • Locally calculated Risk Exposure and WSJF Value in Reports: To promptly show accurate Risk Exposure and WSJF values, Agile Hive has implemented a feature where these values are computed locally in your browser when you access a Reports page. Particularly, after generating new issues involving Risk Exposure or WSJF, the computation of these fields is only triggered once the issue has been fully displayed by at least one user in the Jira Issue View.
    This is due to a current limitation of Atlassian Forge development platform. More information can be found here: Technical Limitations. We’re closely monitoring the development of Forge platform and intend to further improve this functionality in the future.

February 28, 2024


New Features

  • Conveniently create Objective and Risks from the Reports page: Objective and Risk widgets in the Reports page now provide a convenient way to directly add new issues of the correspondent type. Simply click the ‘+' button in top right corner of the widget panel to display Jira’s ‘Create issue’ modal that is already filled based on the project context you’re in. After creating a new issue the Report widget updates automatically without need for a full page reload.


  • Adjusted zoom factor in Solution Train Roadmap Board: To better reflect the time periods planned in the Roadmap Board of a Solution Train project we adjusted the default zoom factor for the board.

February 22, 2024


  • Editing risk information updates the correct Custom Fields: Fixed a bug that resulted in the wrong Custom Fields being updated after providing input in the Agile Hive Issue Context for Risk-related information.

February 20, 2024


This update is a major version increment (11.0.0) and therefore needs to be manually installed by a Jira administrator using Jira’s UPM (Universal Plugin Manager). For more information on this please also see Upgrading and Versioning.


New Features

  • View all Milestones / Objectives / Risks in Jira Issue Navigator: We added an option to view all issues listed in an Reports widget in the Jira Issue Navigator, making it easy to retrieve further details on issues or export them. This functionality is available for Milestone, Objectives, and Risks widgets in the Reports page within Agile Hive.


  • List of Agile Hive Administrators not displayed in Jira Administration: Fixed a bug where the display of user groups assigned with Agile Hive Administrator permission was not functioning in Jira Administration of the app when there were over 1,000 groups on the Jira site. The limit has now been extended to 5,000 groups.Please be aware that depending on the number of user groups, it may take up to 30 seconds for the list of groups added as Agile Hive Administrators to appear.

  • “Unable to find the primary board of the project”: Fixed a bug where the user was prompted with an error message when displaying a Planning Board of a project on Team level. Fixing this bug required adding new capabilities to the app’s scope resulting in this version being considered a major release (11.0.0) by Atlassian. Please refer to Upgrading and Versioning for more information on versioning of Cloud apps.

February 15, 2024


New Features

Reports for Agile Hive Cloud are finally here! Discover the most important metrics for your Team and ART level projects today as we keep working on adding more report widgets over the next few weeks.

This initial release of Reports for ART and Team level projects includes the features listed below:

  • Status
    ‘Reports’ tab added to project navigation for ART and Team level projects. Reports is the new landing page for projects on ART and Team level.

  • Status
    Overview of all members configured for a project and their respective roles.

  • Status
    Display reports not only for the current PI but also completed as well as planned PIs. Simply use the PI selection dropdown on the right hand side of the Report header section.

  • Status
    PI progress metrics display the most essential information like Story Points burned, Business Value Delivered, and Load vs. Cap at a glance.

  • Status
    Milestone Overview present you with all Milestone events scheduled for the selected PI.

  • Status
    PI Objectives provide an overview of all Objectives for the selected PI, also displaying Plan and Actual Business Value for each Objective.

  • Status
    Risks provide an overview of all Risks for the selected PI, also displaying Status, Exposure, and Residual Exposure for each Risk.

Please also refer to the user documentation on Reports for more information: Reports.

January 31, 2024


In this version, an existing Custom Field has been changed. It is recommended that a Jira Administrator reviews the Agile Hive components in Jira’s app administration and recreates any missing statuses, workflows, screens, issue link types, Custom Fields, and other schemes. Also, the Custom Fields should be reviewed and added manually to the respective Screens to make sure all Agile Hive functionality is available to the users of your site.

You can find an overview of the minimum required configuration for projects on each SAFe® level here:


  • ‘WSJF Value’ field is now of type Number: To enable sorting options for issues prioritized with WSJF in Agile Hive, the 'WSJF Value' Custom Field has been updated to a Number type. For example, after conducting a JQL search for certain Features within an ART level project, you can now sort by WSJF Value in the Jira Issue Navigator. Additionally, the field will now show a maximum of two decimal digits to enhance readability.

January 2, 2024



Broken links in Agile Hive project navigation: Fixed a bug where navigation links to various project views within Agile Hive were not functioning correctly.


  • Status
    ‘Improved Planning’ mode in Team Planning Boards: To prepare for the revamped experience of planning and displaying ART Feature swimlanes on Team Boards, some functionality is now available in early access. Users can enable this preview on any Team Board by using the toggle switch located in the top toolbar.
    When the 'Improved Planning' mode is activated, it severs the link between the Team Planning Board and the ART-level Roadmap. Consequently, only those ART Feature swimlanes that are tagged with specific values for the 'Assigned Teams' and 'Assigned PIs' Custom Fields will be displayed on the Team Planning Board.
    Learn more on the upcoming changes and how to prepare here: Changes to planning of ART Features for Teams (expected early 2025).

  • Dynamically hide Agile Hive-specific interface elements in Jira views: In projects that are not set up in ‘My Organization’ within Agile Hive, interface elements of the app will no longer appear in Jira project views. This means the ‘View in Agile Hive’ navigation item, the ‘SAFe® Hierarchy’ option in an issue's ‘Apps’ menu, and the ‘Agile Hive’ context panel on the right-hand sidebar in Jira issue views will not be displayed. There will be no changes to projects that are included in ‘My Organization’.


  • Creating new issues by pressing ‘C' in Agile Hive views reflects current project context: When you press the ‘C’ button in any Agile Hive view, now the 'Create Issue' modal automatically fills in with the project context you have been working in. Additionally, the issue type you last created is preselected to streamline the process of creating new issues and align better with the standard Jira experience.


  • Long Team names in Team Boards did not wrap correctly: Fixed a bug where long Team names did not wrap properly in swimlanes on Team Planning Boards, leading to overlapping text labels or unintended line breaks.

  • Removing parent issues that no longer belong to the hierarchy failed in Issue List view: Fixed a bug that prevented users from removing or editing the parent information of issues when the existing parent was no longer included in the project hierarchy defined in 'My Organization'.

  • Team-level issues linked with deleted ART Feature not displayed in Team Planning Boards: Fixed a bug where Team-level issues linked to a deleted Feature at the ART level were not displayed on Team Planning Boards, despite being planned for the respective PI. These Team issues will now appear in the ‘Independent’ swimlane of the Team Planning Board.

  • Broken link to manage quick filters in Team Boards & Roadmap Boards: Fixed a bug that blocked users from accessing the quick filter settings from Team Planning Boards and Roadmap Boards.

  • Error code 500 when navigating to Reports and Planning tabs of Team-level projects within restricted ARTs: Fixed a bug where users received a 500 error code when attempting to access the Reports or Planning tab of a Team layer project linked to a restricted ART-level project.

  • Error code 403 flashing when navigating to Agile Hive Jira Administration: Fixed a bug where users encountered a fleeting 403 error code when trying to access Agile Hive settings in the Jira Administration. This occurred because permission checks in the backend took longer than the user interface to load.


Changelog archive

For older changelog entries please refer to our archive:
