We are using Atlassian’s Cloud toolkit Forge for developing Agile Hive Cloud, which results in us being technically bound to Forge’s feature set. Forge is not as mature as other development toolkits (above all compared to DC), hence some things might just not work at all, until Atlassian fixes issues with Forge or extends it’s functionality. On this page, we want to document such scenarios and explain them technically.
Default Jira Views
In the sections below, you can find more information on technical limitations that may impact functionality and / or displaying of Agile Hive-related data in default Jira views (e.g., Backlog, Sprint Board, JQL search results…).
Custom Field: Assigned PIs
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Agile Hive comes with the predefined Custom Field ‘Assigned PIs’ that is used to assign issues of type Objective or Risk with one or more PIs. Agile Hive stores this information as a list of IDs of assigned PIs in the Forge Storage of the app. To display the information stored for this field we have to distinguish two cases:
For the Jira Issue View sidebar, there is a way to render Custom Fields that store data in Forge Storage. Agile Hive is capable of displaying all assigned PIs for an issue.
For other Jira views (e.g., Backlog, Sprint Board, JQL search results…) Atlassian does not offer a way to properly render Custom Fields that read data from Forge Storage. This results in those views displaying the ID values of assigned PIs instead of the PI name.
Currently, there is no workaround available to apply a fix to this behavior. In case you need to display information on assigned PIs in various Jira views you can leave a vote for the corresponding issue at Atlassian:
In the sections below, you can find more information on technical limitations that may impact functionality of Reports in Agile Hive for Jira Cloud.
Calculated Custom Field Values
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In Agile Hive, we have a few Custom Fields, and some of them are derived from other Custom Field values, e.g. the Exposure values for Risks or the WSJF Value. These Custom Field values cannot be set through the UI, and are also not set by us manually. Instead, we registered a “value function” for these calculated fields, which retrieves other Custom Fields and calculates the value based on them.
Unfortunately, this function (and as a result the calculation of the Custom Field value) is only triggered upon issue view. The value is not initially set upon creation, and not updated when searching for it via JQL (Feature request at Atlassian: - help us improve Agile Hive by voting for this issue). For that reason, we are calculating and displaying the Risk Exposure and WSJF values locally in our Report widgets and displaying a warning for inconsistent field values.
To resolve this issue and ensure that the calculated values are consistent and also displayed correctly in other places, e.g. a JQL search query, you unfortunately have to manually open every issue that has a warning displayed with it. Then, you have to wait until the corresponding value is calculated and close the issue again. You also may need to reload other tabs like your JQL search tab or the Agile Hive Reports page.
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