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June 12, 2024
Agile Hive Custom Fields timing out: Fixed a bug that resulted in a couple of Agile Hive Custom Fields timing out when loading Jira issue view. While we’ve been able to fix the issue for the time being, we invite you to vote for also fixing it in the underlying Atlassian Forge framework: https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/FRGE-1422. Thank you!
June 6, 2024
Info |
This update is a major version increment (13.0.0) and therefore needs to be manually installed by a Jira administrator using Jira’s UPM (Universal Plugin Manager). For more information on this please also see Upgrading and Versioning. |
Display all Team-level child issues at once for an ART issue in SAFe® Hierarchy panel: In the 'SAFe® Hierarchy' panel of the Jira Issue View, when examining the Agile Hive Issue Hierarchy of issues on the ART level, we now show all Team-level child issues. This enhancement allows for better tracking of all Teams involved in an ART issue and provides a more detailed view of the status of work to be delivered by these Teams.
PI dates off by two days when creating new PIs: Fixed a bug where users with a large UTC offset experienced newly created PI dates being incorrect by up to two days after creation.
Roadmap not properly displaying planned PIs: Fixed a bug where the Roadmap Board failed to show all PI indicators when there were two or more PIs in a planned state.
May 31, 2024
Burnup Chart for PIs with 5+ Iterations: Fixed a bug that resulted in the Burnup Chart not updating correctly for PIs with 5 or more Iterations.
New ‘Critical Dependencies’ widget for ART & Team level: Reports for projects at the Team and ART level now include a new widget that presents an aggregated count of unresolved critical dependencies within the current project for the selected PI. For more detailed information on these dependencies, the 'Dependency Overview' widget offers additional details.
‘Teams Involved’ Custom Field for ART-level issues: The 'Teams Involved' Custom Field is now available for ART-level issues. This feature offers a comprehensive view of all the teams involved in contributing work to the specific issue at the ART level. The information about the involved teams is sourced from the hierarchical Agile Hive issue links, which can be managed through Agile Hive's 'SAFe® Hierarchy' panel in Jira's issue view.
‘Owning Team’ Custom Field for ART-level issues: The 'Owning Team' Custom Field is now available for ART-level issues. Individuals operating within an ART can utilize this field to store the team accountable for the specific ART-level issue. This data will subsequently be utilized in the forthcoming ART Planning Board, along with other Agile Hive features.
Drag-and-drop of issues in the ‘Independent’ swimlane in Team Planning Boards: Fixed a bug that adversely affected user experience while planning issues in the 'Independent' swimlane of Team Planning Boards. When dragging and dropping issue cards within that swimlane, users may have encountered poor performance or even errors.
Minor visual glitches in Report widgets: Fixed two minor visual bugs that were causing Report widgets 'ART PI Objectives' and 'Team Iteration Overview' to be displayed incorrectly.
Retain selected PI when switching between Agile Hive views: When switching between views in Agile Hive, the selected program increment (PI) is now retained as a URL parameter. This enhancement prevents users from having to repeatedly re-select the PI for every view and enables seamless navigation within Agile Hive. Moreover, it facilitates sharing direct links to specific views in Agile Hive, automatically redirecting recipients to the correct PI.
Date Range Picker for creating new PIs and Iterations: Setting up new PIs and Iterations has become easier than ever! Agile Hive Administrators now have the convenience of using a Date Range Picker to select PI / Iteration Start and End Dates, eliminating the need to manually select each date with an individual date picker.
Capacity in Team Planning Board fails to refresh upon pressing the 'Update Data' button: Fixed a bug that caused Capacity and Load not to update in Team Planning Boards when using the ‘Update Data’ button.
Incorrect color code for ‘Load vs. Cap’ Report widget: Fixed a bug that caused the 'Load vs. Cap' Report widget to not display information using the correct color code.
Roadmap Board refreshes automatically after setting Start or End Date for Unplanned Issues: Agile Hive now automatically updates the Roadmap Board when users make changes to the Planned Start or End Date of an issue using the Jira issue modal. This simplifies roadmap planning and ensures users always have access to the latest data.
Improved error messages for some Report widgets: We have enhanced the error messages for various Report widgets to provide more precise descriptions of potential issues that may arise.
Server error when changing an issue’s assignee in Issue List: Fixed a bug that resulted in a server error, which may have occurred when changing the assignee of an issue via Agile Hive Issue List.
Dates in Milestone Overview Report widget one day off: Fixed a bug that caused Milestone issues to be displayed incorrectly in ART reports, showing a one-day discrepancy compared to the same Milestone displayed in a Team-level Report.
Knowledge base link in ‘SAFe® Hierarchy’ issue panel for projects not added to Agile Hive: The 'SAFe® Hierarchy' issue panel, now included with Agile Hive, not only provides a text hint on how to add projects to Agile Hive but also features a knowledge base link.
Refresh ‘Business Value Delivered’ Report widget after creating a new Objective: When creating a new PI Objective from the Reports page, the 'Business Value Delivered' widget will now automatically refresh to display the updated information of the newly added Objective.
Adjusted conditions for displaying a warning in ‘Story Points Burned’ and ‘Load vs Cap’ Report widgets: The warning associated with the Report widgets 'Story Points Burned' and 'Load vs Cap' will now only appear for issues of types that are capable of having a Story Point estimation.
‘Update Data’ for Issue List results in infinite loading screen: Fixed a bug that caused an infinite loading screen when 'Update Data' was pressed in the Issue List view.
‘Update Data’ for completed or planned PIs displays data of current PI: Fixed a bug that caused Agile Hive views to display data from the current PI instead of the selected completed or planned PI after pressing ‘Update Data’.
‘Update Data’ did not reset timer after switching to another view: Fixed a bug where the timer of the 'Update Data' button was not being reset after switching to another Agile Hive view.
Visualization of tooltips broken for issue cards in Team Planning and Roadmap Boards: Fixed a bug where tooltips in Team Planning and Roadmap Boards were not being displayed in their intended location, but instead showing up at the top left corner of the screen.
New ‘Team Iteration Overview’ Report Widget: Reports for projects at the Team level now feature a new widget that provides an overview of all planned issues for each of the Iterations of the selected PI. The ‘Team Iteration Overview' widget showcases issue count, estimated capacity, planned load, and burned Story Points per Iteration. This feature simplifies the process of monitoring progress on individual team issues and promptly identifying any obstacles that arise.
ART Planning Board not displaying PI Iterations: Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented the ART Planning Board from displaying iterations of a PI when the ART was part of a Large Solution Train.
April 5, 2024
Issue with correctly assigning Agile Hive Administrator groups after app installation: Fixed a bug that caused random user groups to be displayed as holding the Agile Hive Administrator permission after installing the app from Atlassian Marketplace. This issue was purely visual and has been resolved.
Primary Scrum board detection not working as intended: Fixed a bug related to the automatic detection of a Jira project’s primary Scrum board for use with Agile Hive for Team-level projects. This bug caused iterations of PIs to not be accurately mapped to their corresponding Jira Sprints in the primary board, rendering Team Planning Boards unusable.
Report widget ‘Business Value Delivered’ stopped working for Team level projects: Fixed a bug that caused the Report widget 'Business Value Delivered' to stop displaying data for Team-level projects.
‘Expand / Collapse All’ toggle in Team Planning Boards: Team Boards now feature a new toggle switch that enables expanding / collapsing of all currently visible Feature swimlanes on the board. This option is especially useful when you need to concentrate on specific Features and eliminate any surrounding distractions.
Some Report widgets stuck in loading state when refreshing: Fixed a bug that caused certain widgets in Reports to become stuck in a loading state when refreshing data.
Modal does not reset on Cancel when creating new PIs: Fixed a bug that caused the modal dialogue to retain old data for date input fields when the user canceled the process of creating a new PI and started over.
New ‘ART PI Objectives’ Report Widget: Reports for projects at the ART level now feature a new widget that provides an overview of all ART Objectives for the selected PI, along with a comprehensive view of the Business Value Delivered by all Teams operating within the ART. Moreover, the widget computes the ART Business Value Delivered based on the average across all Teams. For more detailed information on PI Objectives of a specific Team, simply click on the Team panel to navigate directly to the Team’s individual Reports.
‘Update Data’ button for Reports, Team Planning, and Roadmap Boards: As the majority of Agile Hive’s views showcase real-time data, it's possible for changes to occur (especially in the context of PI Planning) while you're viewing a particular page. To keep you informed about the currency of the data you're working with and to promptly refresh the view with the most recent information, we have included an ‘Update Data' button in the top right corner next to the 'Help' menu. This button not only indicates how long it has been since you last updated the data but also allows you to do so with a single click. One significant advantage of updating only the data instead of reloading the entire page is its lightning-fast performance - try it for yourself!
‘ART PI Overview’ widget now displays all ART issues worked on in selected PI: Fixed a bug that caused the ART PI Overview widget to only display ART level issues planned using the ART Roadmap Board. It failed to include ART issues not in the Roadmap Plan but being worked on in the selected PI based on Stories planned at the Team level, which is contrary to its intended functionality. The widget now includes all ART issues being worked on in the selected PI.
Adjusted zoom factor in Solution Train Roadmap Board: To better reflect the time periods planned in the Roadmap Board of a Solution Train project we adjusted the default zoom factor for the board.
February 22, 2024
Editing risk information updates the correct Custom Fields: Fixed a bug that resulted in the wrong Custom Fields being updated after providing input in the Agile Hive Issue Context for Risk-related information.
View all Milestones / Objectives / Risks in Jira Issue Navigator: We added an option to view all issues listed in an Reports widget in the Jira Issue Navigator, making it easy to retrieve further details on issues or export them. This functionality is available for Milestone, Objectives, and Risks widgets in the Reports page within Agile Hive.
List of Agile Hive Administrators not displayed in Jira Administration: Fixed a bug where the display of user groups assigned with Agile Hive Administrator permission was not functioning in Jira Administration of the app when there were over 1,000 groups on the Jira site. The limit has now been extended to 5,000 groups.Please be aware that depending on the number of user groups, it may take up to 30 seconds for the list of groups added as Agile Hive Administrators to appear.
“Unable to find the primary board of the project”: Fixed a bug where the user was prompted with an error message when displaying a Planning Board of a project on Team level. Fixing this bug required adding new capabilities to the app’s scope resulting in this version being considered a major release (11.0.0) by Atlassian. Please refer to Upgrading and Versioning for more information on versioning of Cloud apps.
‘WSJF Value’ field is now of type Number: To enable sorting options for issues prioritized with WSJF in Agile Hive, the 'WSJF Value' Custom Field has been updated to a Number type. For example, after conducting a JQL search for certain Features within an ART level project, you can now sort by WSJF Value in the Jira Issue Navigator. Additionally, the field will now show a maximum of two decimal digits to enhance readability.
January 2, 2024
Broken links in Agile Hive project navigation: Fixed a bug where navigation links to various project views within Agile Hive were not functioning correctly.
Capacity resets in Team Planning Board after displaying an issue modal: Fixed a bug that resulted in the capacity of a team sprint being reset when displaying an issue through Jira's modal view.